No Pain No Gain: a New Perspective with Yoga
You may have heard the saying "open your heart" or "lead with your heart" which is about allowing your emotional side help you in life. ...

How 15 Minutes of Yoga a Day Can Make You More Productive
How can you be more productive in your yoga practice as well as your life. I use things like massage balls, foam rollers, dynamic...

Yoga: a Meditation in Motion
I wanted to come back to this focus again, as it is so important. Mindfully moving is a way to be present in awareness. Meeting what...

How to Wake Up with Yoga
Good morning everyone! How do you wake up in the morning? Me, I’m not your early morning type, my nature likes to stay up & sleep in. ...

Movement & Stillness: Do You Get Enough?
Movement…..Stillness…. do we do enough of either? See the article below that proposes this question & gives some idea on how to create...

Mindful Movement Using the Breath
The breath is an automatic system & without it we would not be here. But in yoga the breath is more than this, it is something we can...

Keeping the "S" in Spine
The Spine, it supports us in all we do, but do we give it the respect it deserves? Running though our spine are nerves that help us to...