Movement & Stillness: Do You Get Enough?
Movement…..Stillness…. do we do enough of either? See the article below that proposes this question & gives some idea on how to create...

How to Let Your Inner Sun Shine
Between times of rain we see the sun, & I’m not just talking about the weather. Life has it’s ups & downs, but we need to remember that...

Clear Out the Old to Make Room for Your Life to Grow
I spoke of spring cleaning in class this week. We think of spring cleaning our home, but don’t always think about the things we are...

Grounding Your Way Strength
Grounding, roots, space, core… terms you will have heard me use in class this past week. Lots of information to absorb, but in essence,...

The Power of Water
Often as I teach you may hear me say, follow the waves of your breath. It is an ebb & flow, that has a cycle that is never ceasing, till...