Fall Equinox - Nourish Yourself
Today is the Fall Equinox. An equal amount of day to night as we transition into fall. After today, the days get shorter, the weather...

Sound as Therapy
Happy Earth Day! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful day & the feeling that Spring has finally arrived. This week in Savasana during my...

Balance is Possible if you Practice
Balance, something we all strive for but that often seems to elude us. Why is finding balance in our lives so difficult? One definition...

How to Restore Yourself
Restoration: the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. Would you like to be restored back to the self you...

Balance - even on a Monday morning :)
Balance, a subject I come back to time & time again, as it is so difficult for us to find it in this fast paced world. This weekly blog...