The Core of Yoga
This week I played a favorite artist of mine, Jennifer Berezan. She is an Alberta native, that now lives in California. I harmonized...

Do you ever notice when we are tired, stressed & busy, we fall into habits as ways of coping. We grab some food, watch TV, drink, surf...

Finding the Core in the Holidays
The core, a buzzword we've all heard, but what is the core really? Use your core, strengthen your core, work your core.... We are told we...

Power Up with the SUN
Due to the change of the season, I thought I would send my weekly blog now instead of on Sat, as I usually do. It’s almost Summer, take...

Grounding Your Way Strength
Grounding, roots, space, core… terms you will have heard me use in class this past week. Lots of information to absorb, but in essence,...

What does accessing our CORE really mean?
I wrote this blog post back in Sept & thought I would send it out again, as it speaks to my idea of what the CORE is. The idea of the...

All you need is Love….great words written by the Beetles. But what kind of love? Valentine’s Day that just passed is marketed to love,...

What does strengthening our Core really mean?
Meaning of Core - physical & spiritual connection to the core.

Moving our Joints Mindfully
Whenever we move, we use our shoulder & hip joints. They are the largest joints in our body & take a lot of the stress when we move &...

Keeping the "S" in Spine
The Spine, it supports us in all we do, but do we give it the respect it deserves? Running though our spine are nerves that help us to...