How Feeling Safe in Yoga Can Keep You Safe in Life
I feel safe. Ultimately this is what our yoga practice should be for us, a safe haven to feel & be. However, the sensations that come...
How Yoga Can Help Transform Body Image: Body Positive Yoga
Body Positive Yoga Workshop: Sunday October 21, 2017 1-4pm @ YogaMcc 2028b 33 Ave SW
Vulnerability Is the Way to True Peace & Joy
When we were children, there was an openness we had, everything was new & we experienced the moment, fully. We hadn't been tainted by...
Peace, Joy & Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! This holiday reminds us to be grateful for what we have in our lives. A time to take stock of all we have & spend...
Choose to Respond not React
Choose to respond. I posed this statement to my students this week. I've been posing this questions to myself over the last while as...