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Power Up with the SUN

Due to the change of the season, I thought I would send my weekly blog now instead of on Sat, as I usually do.

It’s almost Summer, take some time to honour the Sun!

Summer Solstice occurs at 10:24pm Tues, June 20, making June 20 the longest day of the year. This is the launch of summer, a time when we feel we can take some time to enjoy the fruits of our labour.

Attached is an article that gives a bit more perspective on the significance of this seasonal change & how we can use it to step into our own power.

Take some time to do a ritual this time of year, by getting up & meeting the sun (I know, it’s early…), but if you don’t want to meet the first light, take a moment to honour it when you first wake.

Meditate, do some yoga, or just simply take a few deep breaths & connect to your own inner Sun. Allow it to shine forth, and give you the strength to do all you want to do this Summer.

Join me for a class this week, as we connect to our core, our power, our Light.

go to

to see what class works best for you. I look forward to beginning summer with you.

Note for YogaMcc students:

This Wed & Thurs are the last 2 classes of the Customized Yoga Therapy Spring session.

8 week Registered Summer Session begins July 5 & 6th.

Gentle Yoga for Strength Wed’s 9:30-11am & Healthy Back Yoga Thurs’s 6-7:20pm

are continuing without a break all summer long. Join me when it works in your schedule. for more info, or call 403-251-9642 to register.

“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy.”

Henry Ward Beecher


Anne Cox E-RYT 500


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