Experience this Moment by Feeling It Instead of Thinking It

So far this New Year I've encouraged us to be in the present moment as much as possible. When we notice we are drawn into the past or future, to just pause, & start again to come back to NOW. Each time this happens, we are making progress, because we are aware we have left this moment. NO judgement, progress is in the observation we have become distracted.
When we practice coming back to the moment, we are making it easier to notice when we become triggered by people or events. If we react, we a still connected to the mental connection to the past or future. Instead, if we see this trigger as a messenger & realize that we should not "shoot the messenger". Instead see the message that is being presented to us & how it makes us feel. How are we feeling is the most important part of the message that has come up in our awareness.
The message that is coming needs to be felt instead of thought. When we think about why we are being triggered, we can go into the story behind what has happened. We may even blame the "messenger" as being at fault for how we are feeling. Instead, can we take our attention off the "messenger" & stop trying to analyze things with our brain & just feel what we are feeling.
"...we don't use our energy to "try to feel better" but to get "better at feeling". Michael Brown - The Presence Process.
If we can begin to take the thinking mind out of the way & just be with our felt perceptions, we allow memories to come. In those memories, there is a connection to feeling. The details of this memory may be very different to this current trigger, but what we feel is most important. Over time, if we connect to what we feel, & allow that to move through us, consciously, then you may begin to notice the "triggers" have less intensity or may not even affect us at all next time.
The key is not to try to mentally analyze everything, but to be connected to how we feel & respond consciously instead of react unconsciously to the messengers that come into our lives. Practicing again & again to become present to the message that connects to what you feel emotionally & physically. Over time a shift begins to happen that we look inwards to see what comes to visit us. Instead of avoiding or editing what is allowed to enter, we welcome all messengers in our selves.
As Rumi says:
"This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and attend them all: Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorable. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
So next time you experience something & want to run away or react, just take a breathe & choose to listen for the message. This is an opportunity to experience this moment differently, by feeling it instead of thinking it.

Anne Cox E-RYT 500 acyoga.net 403-819-9790 hello@acyoga.net