Present in 2018
Happy New Year! I'm back from holidays & hope you were able to have some well deserved R&R yourself this holiday season. 2017 seemed to go by fast & furious & now that we are in 2018, you might, like a lot of us, be feeling a bit worn out. We see the New Year as a time to have resolutions to change. As you may know, I'm not a big fan of resolutions. They are based on judgements we have about ourselves that says we are not good enough. Instead, make a new beginning by setting the intention to be present to this moment. By being present here, NOW, we are letting go of our past (which makes us who we are, but does not define us) & stops us from jumping forward to the future (which is not yet decided, it is limitless in it's possibility). So why is it so hard to be in the present moment, when really, that is all we have? Self judgement.
This same self judgement that makes us want to change, but sabotages our attempt to. So how do we allow change to happen without all the drama? See the article below by Deepak Chopra on this very idea. In addition, practice yoga. Yoga is all about being in the moment, as you mindfully breathe, move your body & explore you mind & connection to Spirit. Join me for a class & together we will work on allowing our best self to emerge. To work on being kind & compassionate to ourselves when we do falter, & just starting again from this moment. Again & again we will connect to the present moment in a community that supports each other in being ourselves, in all our imperfections. This is work no one else can do for us, but we are not alone. I am so excited to practice with each one of you this year. We are better together! Namaste,
Anne Cox E-RYT 500 403-819-9790
If you would like to see where I am teaching in 2018, here's a quick look or go to for more information.
YOGA & MEDITATION CENTRE OF CALGARY Marda Loop 2028b 33 Ave SW Calgary
Gentle Yoga for Strength (drop-in) WEDNESDAY 9:30-11:00 am Customized Yoga Therapy (registered) WEDNESDAY 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Winter Session: Jan 10 - Mar 28
Healthy Backs (drop-in) THURSDAY 6:00 pm - 7:20 pm Customized Therapeutic (registered) THURSDAY 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Winter Session: Jan 11 - Mar 29
Lunchtime Yoga for Back Health (registered) TUESDAY 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Winter session - Jan 9 - Mar 27 (NO class Mar 13) 11 weeks $154 inc GST
YOGA THERAPY IN COCHRANE Frank Wills Memorial Hall 405 1 St E
Core Yoga Therapy - (registered/drop in class)
MONDAY 1:00 - 2:15 pm Winter Session: Jan 8 - Mar 26 (NO class Feb 19) 11 weeks $154 + GST
Gentle Yoga for Strength - (registered/drop in class)
TUESDAY 7:00-8:15 pm Winter session: Jan 9 - Mar 27 12 weeks $168 + GST
PRIVATE THERAPY in Calgary & Cochrane
At YogaMcc or your home.