Kids are off school, weather is fine, time to enjoy all summer has to offer.
Now, like the kids, we may not be able to just hang out & play all day long, but we can time moments to pause between our work. Take some time to be in nature, be present with your loved ones, sit with yourself & enjoy your own company. Make the moments count one by one & you will look back & see you made the most out of this season that passes too quickly.
So how does our practice fit into it all?
During the rest of the year it’s easier to do our yoga practice, but in the summer, our schedule becomes more spontaneous & less routine. How do you get your practice in with everything that is our there to do? It could be as simple as taking off your shoes, standing on your lawn & mindfully feeling the grass in your toes…..
This article from gives some great ideas on how to fit everything you’d like to do this summer, without sacrificing your practice.
At the end of the article, there is a meditation on how to embrace summertime, & how to inspire yourself to get out into life enjoying each moment.
This week in class, I had encouraged each of my students to visualize a summer memory. To remember the feeling of it, the joy, the beauty….& then to picture finding a way to re-create that or to create something new for a memory this summer. To set an intention of what you would like your summer to be. What is your intention?
We all know summer is short, so don’t waste time. Make quality time experiencing great moments of summer from week long holidays to a few minutes just appreciating the little things.
If you would like a mini get away, consider joining me for a 2 hour workshop July 16 10 am - 12 pm Get Your Head on Straight.
got to or call 403-251-YOGA (9642) for more info or to register.
So, once you’ve read this post, go & do something that makes your heart smile. As I’ve been writing this I’ve been sitting on my porch watching the kids run through the sprinkler.
It’s hot, I’m getting hot, I think I’ll join them :)
Anne Cox E-RYT 500